Monday, December 1, 2008

Helping Nonprofts Select Calendar Software

Exerpted from a popular Reel Logix article written earlier:
Many nonprofit organizations rely on The Calendar Planner to manage all of their scheduling needs. Since so many nonprofits rely on volunteers to help them achieve their mission, here are some of the questions we encourage nonprofits to answer as they decide on which scheduling software to aquire:

1. Is there a skill gap and lack of time to learn to use new calendar software.
2. What kind of support is available for nonprofit volunteers or staff?
3. How easy will the product be to install and get up and running?
4. Many of the volunteers may have had limited exposure to scheduling software or event planning software , what tools are available to help them learn?
5. Is support available by email, by phone, by IM or by fax?
6. Are there on-line tutorials available for to do self-paced learning?
7. Will staff or volunteers be able to experience the features of the software before purchasing through a product tour or a limited time trial?
8. Who specifically will use the software and what is the skill level of users?
9. Is there a cost for training? How will that impact the budget approved by the board?
10. Will new IT staff be needed to support the program?

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About Reel Logix Inc.

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Reel Logix's™ calendar software is used for scheduling everything from personal calendars & schedules to project calendars for Fortune 100 companies. From small business schedules and office calendars to the scheduling of movies like "Iron Man", "The Golden Compass™" and TV shows like "24".